Welcome to the WVWC MFA Blog!

As HeartWood’s inaugural issue launches, the Master of Fine Arts program at West Virginia Wesleyan College enters its next chapter and new realm—the blogosphere. Over the next few weeks, we’ll share our history and framework, introducing our program with all the “Hi, my name is…” awkwardness that makes any adventure worthwhile!

So then, what you can expect from the WVWC MFA Blog?

Well, the blog will feature a variety of posts spotlighting the people, craft, and writing at the heart of Wesleyan’s MFA program. The blog will provide our readers a gateway into our MFA. It’ll feature spotlight articles on our core and visiting faculty, guest writers, alumni, and current students. We’ll share our program news and updates—what we’re doing and where we’re doing it.

We'll post to let our readers and submitters know what’s coming up ahead, whether that be program deadlines, writing conferences, readings, submission deadlines, craft highlights, or spotlights. The bottom line is—this blog will be an extension of our program and its people.

So what should you expect?

Variety. Craft. Excitement. Heart.